Beautiful White Space
White space is something that I can have a real appreciation for, mostly because it's something I've never really been able to get a strong hold on myself. I think the idea behind this is brilliant, hands on because everything you're going to be eating really is finger food clever enough. I even like the typography used in the information, I think those diagonals are beautifully done and everythings well aligned. The two things that sincerely bother me about this piece are the bad photoshop job and the color scheme. While I adore the white space idea in this piece I don't enjoy the way it's achieved, the hands are incredibly choppy and awkward, you bhaven have one on the left that is unnessisarily cut off at an angle. If I could redo this piece I'd find a way to photograph hands making each letter and find a way to put them together like that rather than taking three or four pictures and trying to use them at different angles and force it to work. The color scheme bothers me because it's the polar opposite from what would make me think of sushi or anything asian at all. Looking at this I get the image of a sort of ocean breeze thing, maybe some finger seafood? I would have much prefered a brighter stronger warm color theme.
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