Thursday, September 12, 2013

Doodle Fest

Doodle Fest

I'm going to start on this one by saying I absolutely adore this poster and the feel it has, there's plenty going on and sure it is as bit busy, but I'm not bothered by the fact that it is. There's a lot going on but my eye can still go from one point to another without getting too confusing. Well, for the most part. I do appreciate the hand drawn feel of this it feels like something I would have sketched in one of my high school classes only obviously much more professional, I enjoy the white space and I adore every font they've chosen to use. On the topic of font choice however, they've definitely broken the rule of three. I can count seven without really even trying to strain my eyes. It could be argued they did this to keep the hand drawn sketch affect, but I really don't agree with how they went about it if that's the case. There are much more productive ways they could have kept this look without using that many fonts. Another problem I do have with this is how the parts that I'm assuming are band names are all so drastically different, and sure they could just be logos but something tells me they aren't, and if they aren't then it really bothers me that you have some with illustration and others in weird fonts with outlines. They look more like decorations than important information and again this pulls in the over kill of the font, they could have arranged them differently and just used different colors to distinguish between information and decoration and gotten just as strong an affect.

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